Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Infinite Banking Concept and Financial Prisons

So Many Voices

There are a lot of good personalities and voices in today's marketplace that want to help people discover what life can be like beyond financial bondage. The reality in America is that we still live way beyond our means AND those that don't, feel the financial pressures of rising taxation, rising medical care prices and we still feel the pinch of rising fuel costs (which is baffling).

Many people I come in contact with refer to great debt elimination and wealth building principles by Dave Ramsey and others as a tremendous source of inspiration and tangible help for them financially.  I love hearing that so many use Dave and his teachings.  In fact, I have his books on my shelf as I write this blog.  Too many are in financial prisons to not point out Dave Ramsey's exceptional work in helping this nation live within its means and get healthy.

Among this voice and so many others that continue to aid us in debt reduction and to make wise financial decisions there is also this voice that comes from a man named Nelson Nash.  Nelson is about the same thing as others I believe.  This one thing is to reduce and eliminate debt, build wealth cycles in families, and put more hard earned dollars that people make back into their hands.  At the end of the day - it is to get people beyond financial prisons.

Nelson speaks to his own financial prison in his book Becoming Your Own Banker (p. 12-13).  In it he describes crashing markets of early 1980's, death and life threatening illnesses of close family, mounting credit, super high interest rates, and more.  In it he realized that "hardship often helps us see things to which we are normally blind."  Out of this and through much time in prayer on his knees, Nelson goes on to say, that the system of infinite banking (requiring discipline to implement the idea) changed his life dramatically.

Financial prisons are meant to be busted out from.  I believe that what Nelson teaches in his book and with personal explanation of this teaching by calling or writing me, we can help you bust out of this prison you find yourself in right now.

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