Monday, August 25, 2014

Gungor and My Finances

It's about being made new...

So, I am without question a follower of Jesus Christ and an Infinite Banking Concept Authorized Practitioner and Coach.  I do a lot of teaching about financial freedom (duh) and weave what Jesus taught about money into the time I spend teaching/coaching.

Well, recently I've been thinking about financial chaos.  The Hebrew word for chaos (tohu) pretty much describes a lot of American households.  Financial chaos abounds and financial wandering as well. In the midst of chaos is a voice of hope I've come to discover through IBC.  My financial life was in chaos I needed help.  Reflecting on when I stepped out and began to implement IBC in my life in November 2008 I can only sum up the experience through an old but well versed song sung by Gungor.  It's called "Beautiful Things."  I hope you'll give it a listen and consider what beautiful things God may want to do in your life and even financial life as you allow yourself to let God take control of it all.

Peace ~

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