Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Infinite Banking Concept and Financial Prisons

So Many Voices

There are a lot of good personalities and voices in today's marketplace that want to help people discover what life can be like beyond financial bondage. The reality in America is that we still live way beyond our means AND those that don't, feel the financial pressures of rising taxation, rising medical care prices and we still feel the pinch of rising fuel costs (which is baffling).

Many people I come in contact with refer to great debt elimination and wealth building principles by Dave Ramsey and others as a tremendous source of inspiration and tangible help for them financially.  I love hearing that so many use Dave and his teachings.  In fact, I have his books on my shelf as I write this blog.  Too many are in financial prisons to not point out Dave Ramsey's exceptional work in helping this nation live within its means and get healthy.

Among this voice and so many others that continue to aid us in debt reduction and to make wise financial decisions there is also this voice that comes from a man named Nelson Nash.  Nelson is about the same thing as others I believe.  This one thing is to reduce and eliminate debt, build wealth cycles in families, and put more hard earned dollars that people make back into their hands.  At the end of the day - it is to get people beyond financial prisons.

Nelson speaks to his own financial prison in his book Becoming Your Own Banker (p. 12-13).  In it he describes crashing markets of early 1980's, death and life threatening illnesses of close family, mounting credit, super high interest rates, and more.  In it he realized that "hardship often helps us see things to which we are normally blind."  Out of this and through much time in prayer on his knees, Nelson goes on to say, that the system of infinite banking (requiring discipline to implement the idea) changed his life dramatically.

Financial prisons are meant to be busted out from.  I believe that what Nelson teaches in his book and with personal explanation of this teaching by calling or writing me, we can help you bust out of this prison you find yourself in right now.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Becoming Your Own Banker - The Book

Intro 2

On page four of Becoming your Own Banker by Nelson Nash, Nelson clearly states that before you read his book you must remember that The Infinite Banking Concept is a major paradigm shift for most people.  In fact, Nelson says, "it's like telling people the world is round when they believe it's truly flat."  However, he goes on to say on page four that, "education is an on-going process and there is no such thing as having 'arrived' in knowledge."

Now, as I have been involved with the IBC personally for nearly five-years and am now involved vocationally as a teacher of IBC, I do come across people who say to me, "but can this be done with little to no funds available?"  This question comes from people who have found themselves in somewhat of a financial prison but truly want to break out.  This question is good and fair.  My answer to this question would be a referral to Nelson's "testimony" on page four and five (call me for a book) of how he got started in this line of financing.  It may require us first to think beyond the financial nightmare into a system that will keep us out if that nightmare.  The famous Benjamin Franklin always felt as if man could make a better way.  His was always a line of hopeful financial optimism.  But with this came the turning of how one thinks about their own personal wealth. 

Next time I'll jump into how we begin or get started to think about being your own banker.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Becoming Your Own Banker - The Book


I want to share a few introductory lines from Nelson Nash's book Becoming your Own Banker.  This is the material we teach and train people to use at Life Success and Legacy.  We just make it simple at LSL.  No gimmicks or tricks, just the sharing of information in this 92-page book.

"The Becoming Your Own Banker book by R. Nelson Nash is really a course of instruction about the power of dividend-paying whole life insurance.  It is not a sales tool for life insurance agents.  It is education that the life insurance industry should have taught during the last 200 years.  The book demonstrates your need for finance, during your lifetime, is much greater than your need for protection.  The whole idea is to recapture the interest that one is paying to banks and finance companies for the major items that we need during a lifetime such as cars, major appliances, homes, business equipment and investment opportunities."

This introduction by Nelson is the foundation for what we teach at LSL.  I have found that I can verbally tell people by phone or verbally over a lunch what Infinite Banking is and what it can do, but unless a person gets this book and begins to dive into the materials it's a bit hard to grasp.  And even then, what you read may seem mind boggling.  So, this is why we keep it simple and encourage people to make the investment in Nelson's book and read it.  We don't deviate from this method - because it works.  Later I'll share more introductory thoughts from Nelson's book.

Want a book?  Call me at 816-588-2328.  It's just $20 and shipping is NO cost to you.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Knowing Next to Nothing

I learned something amazing the other day while sitting around with my friend Mike Everett at the Life Success and Legacy "Home Office."  I learned about some of the Myths in Regards to Interest Rates.  When Mike showed me some examples about interest rate myths and I watched this video (from our videos page) again, it hit me like a ton of bricks that in this regard I thought I knew a lot, but in reality, almost next to nothing.

You see, most of us have been taught to get low interest rates on housing. This is good.  Most have been taught high yield interest rates on investing is good - real good.  But again, when I watched the video, I soon realized that the banking equation that I thought would work better for me, was proven the opposite in Mike's video.  The interest rate myth was busted!!

You see, it's OK to know what you think you know, but when you step into "the light" with new or renewed knowledge as I did yesterday, then I/you have a responsibility to do something to turn the financial equation in my/your favor NOT in the favor of "the other guy."  Again, watch the video entitled "Interest Rate Myths" and see if the light bulb causes you to wonder about how you finance your next car - then contact me to see how LSL can help you control the WHOLE car financing equation.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Retirement Fund Penalty - Huge Rethink!

I post some thoughts today in light of this article about the financial shortfall for a widow whose husband withdrew retirement funds at sixty-two rather than sixty-five.  First, I was saddened for this lady.  The penalties, loop-holes, and regulations are there for a reason, but it still saddens me to hear that this happened to her and does happen to countless others in her situation.  Second, this article made me think that what I do in teaching the Infinite Banking Concept is so vital to people right now between the ages of forty-five and fifty-five.  This time frame for people is so critical because if retirement funding has been limited or needs a dramatic boost, at
Life Success and Legacy we can provide a free retirement analysis on how to turbo-charge retirement "passive income" as Neslon Nash says in his book.

Finally, I share this today because if a couple or individual would simply look at Infinite Banking as a viable retirement option they would see that the whole early withdraw and the whole idea of penalty at 62 and limited Social Security at 65 or beyond for a widow - the whole article I've re-posted becomes in a sense a mute point.  Why?  because we're talking about a dependency on a government structured plan rather than a plan that YOU control and design.  Take this revelation and run with it.