Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Pastor and Their Pension

...And it doesn't look so hot!...

Recently I sat down to reflect on my retirement funding and pension plan funding.  This is always a healthy thing to do for any professional.  It just so happens, that for all of my adult life I've been a youth pastor, pastor, and involved in Christian publishing.  I've been blessed to be a part of a wonderful denomination (The Church of the Nazarene) which has afforded me so much. I've been blessed to serve in a variety of roles within the denomination and look forward to doing so in the future.

When the Infinite Banking Concept entered into my life in February of 2008. I had no idea how huge this way of living would be for me.  As I examined the IBC teaching of Nelson Nash I soon applied "my money where my mouth was" in November 2008, and have enjoyed being an IBC participant and now an IBC Agent/Practitioner since then.

One of the things IBC has done for me is to give me a real sense of financial peace in regards to my retirement.  Honestly, my pension plan was not looking so great for a variety of reasons, and I was concerned about having enough to live on in my "golden years."  Looking back now, just five years from when I started IBC, I now have more cash inside my plan than I had available to me in my pension plan, an ever rising cash build up (growing tax free), and he knowledge of knowing that when I do desire passive income in my later years, I can get to it penalty (tax) free when I so choose and not when the government tells me I can have it.

If I could say anything to Nazarene pastors or other denominational pastors that might be taking a good hard look at retirement years and their income stream - I would say that you should at least consider Infinite Banking as an option for increased wealth and cash build up in a sound financial environment and don't discount doing something different and opposite of what the world says you SHOULD do with your money.  IBC has changed my outlook on cash flow in the present and for in the future.  It can for you as well pastor.

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