In his book 'Becoming your Own Banker,' Nelson Nash speaks to the limitations of personal implementation of The Infinite Banking Concept. One of those limitations comes prior to employing IBC. This limitation and commonly known phenomenon is called "the arrival syndrome." The "arrival syndrome" as Nash describes "probably limits the achievements of mankind more than anything else. When this 'thing' infects us, we stop growing, stop learning. We ROT! We turn off or tune out the ability to receive inspiration - because we already know all there is to know."
As an IBC coach and teacher one of the sad realities of what I do is to meet all kinds of people that are a) pretty much set with "their thing" and unwilling to learn something new, b) really do know everything and nothing you say could possibly shed any new knowledge upon their already huge knowledge base or c) just cannot undo all the "rules of finance" they always known. The safety of knowing what you know prohibits the possibility of doing anything new or fresh no matter how beneficial the new "thing" really is.
A wise man by the name of Gabe Kotter once said, "Change is good! Without change, there would be a lot of wet babies in the world."
The inability to learn something new because one has arrived at "all knowledge" or something new might upset the apple cart is part of the coin that leads to arrival syndrome.
Now I know that some people have a 'pot load of money' and to even think of putting a portion of that money in a financial vehicle like an IBC plan (using dividend-paying whole life insurance) seems counter intuitive to some when what's been working seems so much better. I mean, don't fix what ain't broke - right? But what we are doing with our money is a broken practice in so many ways and to not even be open to hear about another way to use our money is - well - part of the danger of the arrival syndrome.
Over coming being a "know it all" is a huge hurdle to unlocking the truth of IBC. You should try it - even if you've arrived.
Monday, October 27, 2014
Monday, August 25, 2014
Gungor and My Finances
It's about being made new...
So, I am without question a follower of Jesus Christ and an Infinite Banking Concept Authorized Practitioner and Coach. I do a lot of teaching about financial freedom (duh) and weave what Jesus taught about money into the time I spend teaching/coaching.
Well, recently I've been thinking about financial chaos. The Hebrew word for chaos (tohu) pretty much describes a lot of American households. Financial chaos abounds and financial wandering as well. In the midst of chaos is a voice of hope I've come to discover through IBC. My financial life was in chaos I needed help. Reflecting on when I stepped out and began to implement IBC in my life in November 2008 I can only sum up the experience through an old but well versed song sung by Gungor. It's called "Beautiful Things." I hope you'll give it a listen and consider what beautiful things God may want to do in your life and even financial life as you allow yourself to let God take control of it all.
Peace ~
Monday, July 28, 2014
Money Woes and Concerns Among Clergy
...Can There Be a Bright Side?
This summer has been eye opening for me in regards to where clergy in the denomination I serve stand in regards to personal finances and financial goals. I recently attended a regional gathering of pastors in Oklahoma City this summer at an event specifically designed for the spiritual and professional renewal of pastors. Unique to my experience is that I am one of these pastors that the event was designed for, but I attended as an exhibitor with Life Success and Legacy Inc.
I REALLY enjoyed catching up with friends/fellow pastors I have served with through the years in various locations across this regional area. It was fun to catch up and reminisce. We also talked a lot with one another about money. We talked about how Life Success and Legacy helps people design their own plan for creating and controlling a financial pool that is 100% designed for them (an IBC plan). This seemed to be a favorable things among those who would listen. Many of the pastors we spoke with bought the book we teach Becoming Your Own Banker by Nelson Nash. I was pleased at the response to this new book's receptivity to pastors. I think my fellow pastors always enjoy learning new things!
As I think about this event and the brothers and sisters who are known and unknown pastor colleagues of mine, I have a burden for them. Recently I read in an official denominational newsletter that total pastoral compensation for those in our tribe is not very high. Like only 14% of congregations provide $50K or more for their pastor in total compensation. It was also reported that 42% reported annual compensation from congregations of $25K or less. Compounded in this mix is the unreal stress pastors feel - a dual stress - that they do not earn that much and because their congregation really isn't raising that much income. This is a spiritual and economic concern for a pastor running parallel with one another.
We'll have a winter national gathering of clergy and laity coming up in February 2015 and preliminary poll concerns released recently suggest that again, money concerns rank high among what pastors are seeking solutions for at this gathering.
So, how do pastors find debt relief? improve upon retirement income? find someone who cares about how they fund their child's college? and feel good about leaving a financial legacy? How does this happen? What's an optional first step?
1. Seek the Lord for your desired solution.
2. If led, visit
3. If you feel led - contact me at or 816-588-2328 and ask for Nelson's book to be shipped to you.
4. Read Nelson's book.
5. If desired ask for an opportunity to fill in your real time financial numbers into our IBC assessment system.
6. Complete assessment and carve out 1 hour for a webinar to review it with me.
7. Pray, seek, think about whether IBC might be an option for you to eliminate debt, finance purchases in your life, plan for college and retirement in a way that is little taught in our current marketplace.
Money woes are real among clergy. Slavery to lenders is real. Let's fess up to this and take steps pastor to get healthy. IBC can be HUGE in your life in this process. Give it some prayer and thought and give IBC some of your IMAGINATION to see what financial freedom could look like.
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Another Great Read a free download
If you visit the Life Success and Legacy website here and click on 'Free Downloads' you will be able to download a PDF copy of the Carlos Lara and Robert P. Murphy book pictured above.
You'll begin an adventure in knowledge of Austrian economics which will in turn equip you to understand how we (America) got into the financial wreck we're currently in and what YOU can do to individually add to the solution. In the mean time you'll learn how the Infinite Banking Concept is part of the personal and communal solution to shrinking gripping debt and financial paralysis.
I encourage you to get a copy of How Privatized Banking Really Works!
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
The Book Everyone Should Read could change your life!
In February 2008, you know when stuff was starting to hit the fan financially here in the U.S., I was afforded a true gift. (Well, not really a gift, I paid $20 for it). Nevertheless, I was afforded a gift of learning something new about money and finance I had NEVER knew about. That February I began to read Nelson Nash's book Becoming Your Own Banker.
The entire spring and summer of '08 I kept reading, kept running the numbers, kept telling my wife this could be our future. In late September my wife agreed to allow the man (Mike Everett) who introduced the book to us come into our home and explain more. He was fun, truthful, and went real slow with how the principles Nelson teaches could help us. By the end of the evening we (my wife and I) knew IBC would be for us.
I can discuss results of our implementation of using IBC later. All I want to do today is simply encourage you to...READ THE BOOK. It could just transform your entire future.
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Fitness, Health and Liberty
A Primer Video by Doug McGuff MD -
Recently I watched a video of Doug McGuff MD on fitness, health, and liberty. This video is a unique perspective on our current health care environment and our liberty by an ER doctor. This one-hour video is a great historical primer on how we got to where we are now in our American medical system and health care environment. If you enjoy learning for learning sake, and have an interest in how Rothbard, Hayek, and Reisman economic perspective are woven into thoughts on fitness, health and our liberties - this is a great view - if you have the time.
Great for resident medical personnel, moms, dads, high school students, college students, emergency personnel, and so on.
Why this post? Austrian economics touches every facet of life and offers solutions for life action including public health care. All a part of the theme of this blog...what we thought we knew.
Would enjoy your thoughts.
Friday, April 25, 2014
IBC and 'Key Person and Executive Bonus' Insurance Planning
Posted as written by Richard Weizeorick (May 2012) - MTL Financial Group
Life Success and Legacy can help your business plan for key person life insurance via the use of Infinite Banking Concepts (IBC) as taught by Nelson Nash in Becoming Your Own Banker.
How does a business protect its assets?
Normally when you ask this question, most people think about the building,
office equipment, supplies and salable material, so the answer is by
purchasing fire and casualty insurance. But what if the assets are the people
who keep the business running on a day-to day-basis? These are the people
whom the business relies on to make the management decisions, handle the
finances or have that special rapport with customers and creditors - a key person.
A key person is usually a highly paid employee or owner who is responsible
for management decisions, has a significant impact on sales, and has a
special rapport with customers and creditors. If the key employee should die
suddenly, the business would suffer a loss of the person's management skills
and experiences, and loss of sales and missed business opportunities. In some
cases, his or her death could even cause credit difficulties, including
missed payments, deposits or a creditor's reluctance to extend credit.
How it Works
Key person life insurance is a life insurance policy purchased and owned by
the business, on the life of the key employee. Upon the death of the key
employee, the insurance company pays out the proceeds to the business,
providing an immediate source of funds to the business. While there are many
advantages for a business to own key person life insurance, one disadvantage
is that because the business is both the owner and the beneficiary of the
policy, the premiums are not tax deductible.
Key person life insurance is not a specific type of policy, but a way to use
life insurance to offset a business risk. By using a permanent, participating
life insurance policy, set up in the IBC way, the policy not only pays a
guaranteed death benefit, but it can also be a valuable asset to the
company’s balance sheet because of the policy's cash value.
More than a Death Benefit
Key person life insurance can even benefit a business if the insured doesn't
die while employed by the company. Some added benefits are that the company
can access the policy's cash value for other purposes, the cash value can be
used to demonstrate financial stability to creditors, or it can be used as
collateral for a loan. If the key employees are also the owners of the
business, the policy can help fund a buyout of their interest in the business
at their retirement. In addition, if the policy isn't needed to protect the
business, it can be used to provide deferred compensation funds to the key
employee. The bottom line is that key person life insurance can serve a
number of uses and benefit a business both during the key employee's life, as
well as after his or her death.
Key person life insurance is a simple
concept: it's life insurance that insures the life of a person key to the
success of the business against unexpected death. It pays the business the
death benefit so that it may cover the additional expenses associated with
hiring and training a replacement for that employee.
For a complimentary analysis of what this could mean for your business contact me at
Posted as written by Richard Weizeorick (May 2012) - MTL Financial Group
Life Success and Legacy can help your business plan for key person life insurance via the use of Infinite Banking Concepts (IBC) as taught by Nelson Nash in Becoming Your Own Banker.
How does a business protect its assets?
Normally when you ask this question, most people think about the building,
office equipment, supplies and salable material, so the answer is by
purchasing fire and casualty insurance. But what if the assets are the people
who keep the business running on a day-to day-basis? These are the people
whom the business relies on to make the management decisions, handle the
finances or have that special rapport with customers and creditors - a key person.
A key person is usually a highly paid employee or owner who is responsible for management decisions, has a significant impact on sales, and has a special rapport with customers and creditors. If the key employee should die suddenly, the business would suffer a loss of the person's management skills and experiences, and loss of sales and missed business opportunities. In some cases, his or her death could even cause credit difficulties, including missed payments, deposits or a creditor's reluctance to extend credit.
How it Works
Key person life insurance is a life insurance policy purchased and owned by the business, on the life of the key employee. Upon the death of the key employee, the insurance company pays out the proceeds to the business, providing an immediate source of funds to the business. While there are many advantages for a business to own key person life insurance, one disadvantage is that because the business is both the owner and the beneficiary of the policy, the premiums are not tax deductible.
Key person life insurance is not a specific type of policy, but a way to use life insurance to offset a business risk. By using a permanent, participating life insurance policy, set up in the IBC way, the policy not only pays a guaranteed death benefit, but it can also be a valuable asset to the company’s balance sheet because of the policy's cash value.
More than a Death Benefit
Key person life insurance can even benefit a business if the insured doesn't die while employed by the company. Some added benefits are that the company can access the policy's cash value for other purposes, the cash value can be used to demonstrate financial stability to creditors, or it can be used as collateral for a loan. If the key employees are also the owners of the business, the policy can help fund a buyout of their interest in the business at their retirement. In addition, if the policy isn't needed to protect the business, it can be used to provide deferred compensation funds to the key employee. The bottom line is that key person life insurance can serve a number of uses and benefit a business both during the key employee's life, as well as after his or her death.
Key person life insurance is a simple
concept: it's life insurance that insures the life of a person key to the
success of the business against unexpected death. It pays the business the
death benefit so that it may cover the additional expenses associated with
hiring and training a replacement for that employee.
For a complimentary analysis of what this could mean for your business contact me at
Thursday, April 10, 2014
IBC or 529?
...College Savings Food for Thought
A 529 college savings plan is a tax-advantaged state-administered investment program that is authorized under Internal Revenue Code Section 529. These plans allow investors to save money in an account in which the earnings will grow free from federal income tax and, when used to pay for "qualified higher education expenses", may be withdrawn federal income tax-free. In many states, a participant can receive special state incentives, including state tax treatment that mirrors the federal tax treatment, tax deductions/credits and/or other state tax benefits, based on participation in their state’s program(s).
Earnings in a 529 plan grow tax-deferred and are free of federal income tax when used for qualified higher education expenses under Internal Revenue Code Section 529 (26 U.S.C. 529). Qualified higher education expenses include tuition, mandatory fees, books, supplies, and equipment required for enrollment or attendance. Room and board expenses are also eligible for students enrolled half-time or more based on the current allowance for room and board determined by the eligible educational institution for federal financial aid purposes, or actual invoice amount charged by the institution to the beneficiary, if greater. In addition, qualified higher education expenses also include expenses of a special needs beneficiary that are necessary in connection with his or her enrollment or attendance at an eligible educational institution.
What are the tax benefits?
Earnings on non-qualified withdrawals may be subject to federal income tax and a 10% federal penalty tax, as well as state and local income taxes. Additionally, most states allow tax-deferred earnings and tax-free withdrawals for qualified higher education expenses, and some states allow families to deduct the full or a partial amount of their contribution from their state income taxes.
While many aspects of 529 plans sound very appealing to "the masses," how we think about what is going on here is vitally important. Note that in the above descriptions I've highlighted each brief segment points us back to the idea that someone else (our government) is in control of the flow of our investment dollars going and coming. This is really the fundamental difference between this seemingly benign savings plan and having true, 100%, control of your cash flow in every way including college savings. If you were to engage the IBC teaching videos on this page you would receive a healthy quick education on how IBC promotes flexibility, versatility, and freedom. If you read the above on 529 plans you have to ask yourself - am I getting those three values from this college savings option?
Further, once a 529 plan is exhausted of funds on use of school/educational purposes what do you really have to show for the savings (other than a diploma)? With IBC as your college savings option, you not only have a safe cash growth environment, use of cash for anything in life including college, an ever increasing pool for wealth building beyond college and a financial tool for retirement and generational legacy. All this happening with 100% access and no penalties to access funds. Finally, an IBC plan allows for you to apply for FAFSA funding while not being required to report your dollars on the form. Simply stated, IBC is truly a strong consideration for college funding and wealth building beyond college providing versatility, flexibility, and freedom.
Monday, March 31, 2014
Millenials and Retirement
...The Pluses of Using an IBC Plan...
For members of Generation Y (Millenials), people born between 1983 and 2000 retirement is but a gigantic far-off dream and knowledge of how to retire using an IBC plan OR using the cash value of a participating whole life insurance policy as supplemental income may be even more foreign and probably a bit, if not a lot, very old fashioned. Yet, for this generation there are no gold watches as symbols of long-held employment over a significant time period. There may be no huge lump sum pensions to grab and for all practical purposes (as far as we know) possibly no Social Security funds to access. Indeed Millennials will probably hold 10 or more jobs by the time they are forty (Chicago Tribune, July 8, 2013), and they know that wealth accumulation will probably come about only by maintaining an "entrepreneurial" attitude about where to tuck money for they days of retirement. A real "do-it-yourself" nature will be the vanguard of this generation for retirement savings/planning.
While most companies will offer some kind of 401(k) alternative as employee benefit, there are plenty of strings attached to tax qualified monies (even though it sounds cool that employers will match contributed dollars). The glitch on this among several is the job changing. A trail of 401(k) plans makes it hard to keep track of funds accumulated in some cases. Job switches, start ups, second careers, promotions and bonuses, underemployment, all add to the idea of retirement funding being hard to track or maintain funding not to mention that funds are not really in your full control.
However, with an IBC plan, funds are in full control of the contributor, NOT subject to minimum distributions, penalties for early withdrawal, or other restrictions typically associated with formal retirement accounts. An IBC plan is essentially life insurance with a participating whole-life insurance company. It is designed to demonstrate that our need for financing, cash flow, and retirement funding is greater than our need for death benefit which we'll only need once, and, it is implemented so that Gen Y can place funds in a steadily growing financial vehicle that allows for accumulated wealth using non-tax qualified money for funding.
One final thought - using an IBC plan can account for debt reduction for Gen Y WHILE simultaneously allowing for a ever growing retirement plan. If you are someone born between '83 and 2000 and concerned about retirement funding, please contact me.
Monday, March 24, 2014
Managing Pastoral Stress
...A Financial Perspective
The engaging stories of pastors and churches, the chapter on pastors in bivocational situations, and the final chapter on Stress Reducers are my favorite parts of the book. I will say that one of the stress reducers helps in the book calls for pastors to build healthy financial margins. This is a BIG-DEAL for me because as a teacher/coach of the Infinite Banking Concept I deeply desire to help pastors struggling with being able to build those financial margins so they can reduce that area of stress level. If you are reading this brief blog and happen to be a pastor, and would like to contact me about reducing financial stress, your call to me would be welcome. I know I can help.
Back to the book - I hope you'll place your order with Beacon Hill and allow David and Lisa to encourage your heart and nudge you closer to ways you can handle the stress in your life better. God bless you.
Monday, March 17, 2014
The Cost of Living
...1966 or 2014?
Paying out the nose at the pump. Beef, chicken, eggs, bread, all rising in price. Utility prices jumping. The value of our dollars shrinking. Is it 2014? No it's 1966 and Paul Poirot is commenting on rising costs of living in October of 1966. His comments are found in The Cost of Living that I stumbled upon recently on the FEE website. The first FOUR paragraph's sound like something that could have been written - YESTERDAY.
Poirot's thoughts easily translate to today's public sentiment that it simply seems like the cost to live just keeps rising, and rising with no end in sight. So, in this economy of rising costs and a constant barrage of federal government "solutions" streaming at us in the form of new retirement safe guards/strategies like MyRA and so on, how can we step back and rethink what is going on around us and come up with a viable solution to face our American feelings of dissolution about being able to retire comfortably? (Employee Benefit Research Institute 2013 Retirement Confidence Survey)
I would point you to Exhibit A: The infinite Banking Concept and Nelson Nash's book, Becoming Your Own Banker and Exhibit B: Emailing me to get YOUR link of how YOUR financial situation might improve by using an IBC plan for retirement funding and cost of living funding now and in the future.
The cost of living is rising, but you can do something about returning more dollars back into your pocket. I'd enjoy hearing from you soon or to fulfill your order to receive Nelson's book for more insight.
Poirot's thoughts easily translate to today's public sentiment that it simply seems like the cost to live just keeps rising, and rising with no end in sight. So, in this economy of rising costs and a constant barrage of federal government "solutions" streaming at us in the form of new retirement safe guards/strategies like MyRA and so on, how can we step back and rethink what is going on around us and come up with a viable solution to face our American feelings of dissolution about being able to retire comfortably? (Employee Benefit Research Institute 2013 Retirement Confidence Survey)
I would point you to Exhibit A: The infinite Banking Concept and Nelson Nash's book, Becoming Your Own Banker and Exhibit B: Emailing me to get YOUR link of how YOUR financial situation might improve by using an IBC plan for retirement funding and cost of living funding now and in the future.
The cost of living is rising, but you can do something about returning more dollars back into your pocket. I'd enjoy hearing from you soon or to fulfill your order to receive Nelson's book for more insight.
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Do You Need a Brick and Mortar Bank?
What if you were that bank on the corner?
At this point I asked her, what if she could become the lender and borrower of her finance needs? With this question came peaked interest and conversation. She went on to describe how nice it would be if SHE could in essence, become both borrower and lender of the capital she'll definitely need.
This shared conversation begs the thought then of whether YOU need a brick and mortar bank? Oh, I'm not talking about daily cash flow banking. I'm referring to the need for a brick and mortar bank to finance the things in your life or business? To be fair, I like my local corner bank, but through the power and implementation of Infinite Banking Concept, I'm making it my family goal to not use my brick and mortar bank for loans I need for cars and other big ticket items. My goal, is to use my Infinite Banking system to do this for me, and as a result, I'm funding those items and paying for them and in turn ensures that I can purchase those items and return money loaned at a time frame, interest rate, and amount that suits me. The control is all mine, not my corner bank's control. I like this feeling. I like this lifestyle. I like that my IBC plan allows me the freedom to build wealth, finance items needed and desired, and all in a system that is outside traditional lending practices and VERY sound.
So, what if YOU could BE that corner brick and mortar bank?
I can show you how. Send me an email or give me a call today.
Friday, February 21, 2014
IBC and Too Good to Be True
I recently returned from Birmingham, AL, having attended the Infinite Banking Institute annual Think Tank. Unique to the event is getting to hear from well known Austrian economists Nelson Nash, Carlos Lara and Robert Murphy. My "take-aways" from hearing these three men is the message of sound money solutions that are needed in every home and in our nation as a whole. Another included the mounting debt we continue to incur in homes, in post-college years, and again, as a nation. The national debt is a scourge on our generation and future generations. This is something it would seem that is inescapable - or is it?
As I sat in Birmingham and listened, these men also shared that sound money solutions can take shape in every home, large debt loads eliminated, wealth can be created, generations can be left in better shape financially. How? Through the understanding and implementation of the Infinite Banking Concept or IBC. Now, these men, and others I know, have tried traditional financial products offered by banks and Wall Street. But without question the soundest and safest vehicle for money use they have found is in the use of IBC as taught in Nelson Nash's book, Becoming Your Own Banker.
Problem - getting this message of IBC to the masses. Second problem - Getting the masses to think in ways they would not normally think about money. Final problem - Getting masses to move beyond thinking that IBC, and how it functions, is "too good to be true." Listen, I sat around a table full of men and women in Birmingham that teach and coach IBC daily AND make a living doing it. Admittedly, when my wife and I first began to contemplate IBC in February 2008 we thought, maybe as you, "this has got to be some sort of joke, trickery, too good to be true." Six years later we cannot think of one single decision we've made that was better than IBC other than to continue to love and serve our Lord and Savior as local church pastors.
"Too good to be true" is out there running rampant in our society through a wide variety of financial products and services, but I can assure you, IBC is not in that camp. IBC employs sound money principals using a 250+ year old financial instrument that has stood the test of time. MANY, wise men have tried to disprove IBC as a viable debt elimination, wealth building and financing process, but try as they may - it just works. For your FREE report of how IBC could work in your life call me at 816-588-2328 or email me at and ask for more information on how IBC and your current financial status can paint a clear and bright future for you and your family. It seems "too good to be true" but is works!
As I sat in Birmingham and listened, these men also shared that sound money solutions can take shape in every home, large debt loads eliminated, wealth can be created, generations can be left in better shape financially. How? Through the understanding and implementation of the Infinite Banking Concept or IBC. Now, these men, and others I know, have tried traditional financial products offered by banks and Wall Street. But without question the soundest and safest vehicle for money use they have found is in the use of IBC as taught in Nelson Nash's book, Becoming Your Own Banker.
Problem - getting this message of IBC to the masses. Second problem - Getting the masses to think in ways they would not normally think about money. Final problem - Getting masses to move beyond thinking that IBC, and how it functions, is "too good to be true." Listen, I sat around a table full of men and women in Birmingham that teach and coach IBC daily AND make a living doing it. Admittedly, when my wife and I first began to contemplate IBC in February 2008 we thought, maybe as you, "this has got to be some sort of joke, trickery, too good to be true." Six years later we cannot think of one single decision we've made that was better than IBC other than to continue to love and serve our Lord and Savior as local church pastors.
"Too good to be true" is out there running rampant in our society through a wide variety of financial products and services, but I can assure you, IBC is not in that camp. IBC employs sound money principals using a 250+ year old financial instrument that has stood the test of time. MANY, wise men have tried to disprove IBC as a viable debt elimination, wealth building and financing process, but try as they may - it just works. For your FREE report of how IBC could work in your life call me at 816-588-2328 or email me at and ask for more information on how IBC and your current financial status can paint a clear and bright future for you and your family. It seems "too good to be true" but is works!
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
The Pastor and Their Pension
...And it doesn't look so hot!...
Recently I sat down to reflect on my retirement funding and pension plan funding. This is always a healthy thing to do for any professional. It just so happens, that for all of my adult life I've been a youth pastor, pastor, and involved in Christian publishing. I've been blessed to be a part of a wonderful denomination (The Church of the Nazarene) which has afforded me so much. I've been blessed to serve in a variety of roles within the denomination and look forward to doing so in the future.When the Infinite Banking Concept entered into my life in February of 2008. I had no idea how huge this way of living would be for me. As I examined the IBC teaching of Nelson Nash I soon applied "my money where my mouth was" in November 2008, and have enjoyed being an IBC participant and now an IBC Agent/Practitioner since then.
One of the things IBC has done for me is to give me a real sense of financial peace in regards to my retirement. Honestly, my pension plan was not looking so great for a variety of reasons, and I was concerned about having enough to live on in my "golden years." Looking back now, just five years from when I started IBC, I now have more cash inside my plan than I had available to me in my pension plan, an ever rising cash build up (growing tax free), and he knowledge of knowing that when I do desire passive income in my later years, I can get to it penalty (tax) free when I so choose and not when the government tells me I can have it.
If I could say anything to Nazarene pastors or other denominational pastors that might be taking a good hard look at retirement years and their income stream - I would say that you should at least consider Infinite Banking as an option for increased wealth and cash build up in a sound financial environment and don't discount doing something different and opposite of what the world says you SHOULD do with your money. IBC has changed my outlook on cash flow in the present and for in the future. It can for you as well pastor.
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Commenting on the Next Big Threat
...Student Loan Debt...
Bloomberg Business Week (BBW), January 20-26, 2014, page 10, nearly headliner article provides a painful assessment of what they (BBW) perceive as the next big threat to the U.S. economy - student loan debt. The most intriguing part of the article highlights the numerous quotes and references to The Fed and in particular to the New York Fed and its president, William Dudley. I say it's intriguing, because nearly the entire article is aimed at why the NY Fed and Fed in general, think that the rise in school loan default debt (90 day delinquencies up 11.8% in 2013 3rd quarter report) is so bad, but also how they are addressing "the fix."
If the BBW assessment is true that student loan default is the next home mortgage crisis, and all indications seem to point to this truth, then wouldn't it be prudent to talk just momentarily about preventative solutions for incurring such debt AND solutions for cleaning up such personal debt in loans by speaking to personal action rather than Fed judgments?
First, to be fair to the article the chief economist of Wells Fargo, John Silvia, did assess that should loans be taken on by families and individuals it would be most helpful that people study what is most in line with their interests and maximum earning potential. Well, how about that? Great insight. So, let's move on to a deeper solution.
Perhaps, parents and especially grandparents could begin a way of paying for school in the early stages of their child/grand child's life. How? Via the Infinite Banking Concept and how Nelson Nash suggests in his book on page 83 of the Fifth Edition. OR heavy school loans can be handled on the back end by, again, placing funds earned in an IBC plan thus paying off incurred debt. This could be explored further by contacting me for a copy of Nelson's book. In either case I want to make this clear point - leaving solutions in the hands of the Fed or anyone else, but you, and hoping for a magic bullet fix is not really how this great nation was founded. It was founded not on government dependency, but on the ethic that families and individuals take on their own responsibility for their own actions. Infinite Banking allows you and your family to do just that, and do it with enormous effectiveness.
Thursday, January 16, 2014
My Senior Portal Connection
If you have landed on this blog page from the 'My Senior Portal' website I want to welcome you to this blog and to the discovery of what it means to perhaps rethink or learn for the first time, an age old financial tool that is setting many American households free. This blog is an exploration in the notion that perhaps what we were always taught about money and finance might not be the "end all" to helping improve our present and future financial picture.
Can an "old dog learn new tricks?" This is a key question many in the 55+ age group ask themselves when presented with a variety of options in life. My belief is that your generation has probably faced the biggest and most sweeping of changes in society of any generation that's walked the planet. You have had to adapt so much that new information and fresh ways of thinking on a topic are really just another adventure. My belief is that yours is a generation open to questions about "what we thought we knew" and exploring the ideas of "what we could know."
So, again, welcome to my blog and the exploration of how Infinite Banking could radically change your financial picture, and the financial picture for generations of your family members to follow. to contact me with questions about Infinite Banking view my information here.
Friday, January 10, 2014
How to Possibly Rethink Retirement Income
There are only two sources of income - people at work and money at work. We wake up, we leave our homes (most of us) and we call this 'going to work.' Now days lots and lots of married people NEED both people working to simply make ends meet. I know that we're being told things are getting better, but hey, let's get real here. So, back to my original statement. We earn income by either working or money at work. Could it be that far too many homes have no money at work for them? If they were/are a family like ours, the answer lies somewhere between yes and no. Money was in motion but not in going to work for us in the present and especially not for retirement.
This is a real situation - this saving for retirement thing. In fact one recent article sites that more Canadians are saving for retirement over trying to eliminate current debt load. Many younger Baby Boomers are really starting to make the shift that "hey, if I want to retire decently, I need to start catching up now, and start doing so fast." Now let's consider that in retirement income is derived in the same two ways as was mentioned in the opening sentence. So, what if you knew in retirement that "passive income" or "retirement dollars" could be received in full by everything you've paid into your retirement plan - tax free - would there really be any objection to that? Of course not. And yet, people keep pumping money into tax-qualified plans. Why? because that's always what we've been taught. So, how can you receive dollars as passive income during retirement years and get started on this me or email me and we can discuss it. Maybe it's time to rethink retirement income?
This is a real situation - this saving for retirement thing. In fact one recent article sites that more Canadians are saving for retirement over trying to eliminate current debt load. Many younger Baby Boomers are really starting to make the shift that "hey, if I want to retire decently, I need to start catching up now, and start doing so fast." Now let's consider that in retirement income is derived in the same two ways as was mentioned in the opening sentence. So, what if you knew in retirement that "passive income" or "retirement dollars" could be received in full by everything you've paid into your retirement plan - tax free - would there really be any objection to that? Of course not. And yet, people keep pumping money into tax-qualified plans. Why? because that's always what we've been taught. So, how can you receive dollars as passive income during retirement years and get started on this me or email me and we can discuss it. Maybe it's time to rethink retirement income?
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