I'm in the middle of reading Carlos Lara and Robert Murphy's book "How Privatized Banking Really Works: Integrating Austrian Economics with The Infinite Banking Concept." It seems like either people don't know this information or they are so zombified by Keynsian economics and its equally ugly twin zombie called "buy term invest the rest" that they cannot do anything and think anything but what we were always taught.
As I read I keep thinking to myself that two SUPER smart guys wrote this and yet it's the radio personalities and TV personalities that keep pushing the same old and broken vehicles for investment and financing. Do some have merit? I guess, but when I read more of what Lara and Murphy are suggesting in this book I'm more prone to push to the side of true individual freedom and economic policy that turns away from my hard earned dollars being taken from me in rapid pace. Ludwig Von Mises, the most astounding voice of Austrian economics becomes a bigger than life hero to me and should be to others, and yet our nation and the homes that make up this nation languish. I feel chains being broken from me even as I read this book because I know that the knowledge I'm gaining in conjunction with my Infinite Banking system is giving me more freedom - true freedom, and that freedom is outside the bounds of government savings vehicles. This is allowing me to help me and my family in even greater and unimaginable ways. You should read this book AND consider Infinite Banking for yourself. Come on, drop off the lies you've heard, and give this book and IBC an open and fair look.
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