Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Retirement Tougher for Boomer Children

I came across this article through my feed reader of choice the other day talking about how it will be pretty tough for children of boomers to retire.  The level of expected standard for living is as high as boomer parents but maybe not achievable for Xers etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.  Collapsing Social Security system, so on and so on and so on. I'm not trying to be glib or trite here because I think what the article is suggesting has some real merit.  But on the other hand I think we should pause and consider that government propped programs will struggle in the days ahead as many have in the past and do even now in the present.

If you read this you now as a Gen Xer or even as a boomer you question IF you will have a Social Security assistance.  You question IF your 401(k) or 403(b) or those mutual fund holdings are all really safe and accessible as funded.  Let's be real - the picture isn't so bright in this area.  And most of us have been pretty much taught to suck it up and just sink more money in, because that's what we should do - no plan B.

But the retirement picture can look better.  The picture gets brighter and more colorful when we keep an open mind and explore what Infinite Banking can do.  This is what I teach through Life Success and Legacy.  We can read articles like the one mentioned nearly every day, so why not keep an open mind and just see what Infinite Banking could mean for you and your retirement future.  Send me a note if interested.

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