Friday, September 25, 2015

Marriages in Strain

Why? ~ Money

As an Authorized IBC Coach/Practitioner I see weekly in many people I talk to the continued strain on their marriage financially.  In fact, as an active local church pastor as well, I have grave concern over strain in marriages for the singular reason of money stress (not to mention other factors).  Perhaps you are a couple in your late 30's perhaps late 40's and the yearly strain on your family due to "paycheck to paycheck" living is just so wearisome.  What to do?

I would say that first you need to know that help and health can be had in your financial picture!

But how?

Let's think outside the box a bit.  Let's think a bit about how money flows in and out of your hands. Let's think about minimizing your interest to income senario.  Let's think about dollars you are setting aside in government sponsored retirment plans that you need now to live on and won't see until age 59.5.  Let's talk about how YOU control YOUR financial environment.  Let's talk about Becoming Your Own Banker by Nelson Nash!  You read this book (that I'll send to you for $20) and your financial future WILL start to look brighter and that strain you're now in, can be lessened ~ even eliminated by implementation of Becoming Your Own Banker.  

How can I know this?  Been doing this since November 2008 ~ that's how.  Call or email me for help or information.