Monday, August 31, 2015

Earth to Mars!

Yep! It's been nearly a year since I did anything with this blog!  Ashamed really.  I've had huge life changes including moving to North Dakota for starters.  Yes, it's a state!  Our family loves it here (especially May through September).  

Other switches include child #2 going to college this Fall and going back into what some refer to as "full-time" pastoral ministry.  However! I am still maintaining that my IBC moorings and all my licensure for teaching and sharing this concept.  I continue to believe IBC is THE SAFEST financial harbor in this economy.  

If you are still curious about Infinite Banking I'd encourage you to read this article, IBC, What's it All About.  Great read.

OK, back on the blog and hoping to help you in the days ahead.  BTW - it's national life insurance month (September) and you might give this some thought as IBC blends the best of the banking function in our lives with life insurance.