Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Fitness, Health and Liberty

A Primer Video by Doug McGuff MD - 

Recently I watched a video of Doug McGuff MD on fitness, health, and liberty. This video is a unique perspective on our current health care environment and our liberty by an ER doctor.  This one-hour video is a great historical primer on how we got to where we are now in our American medical system and health care environment.  If you enjoy learning for learning sake, and have an interest in how Rothbard, Hayek, and Reisman economic perspective are woven into thoughts on fitness, health and our liberties - this is a great view - if you have the time.

Great for resident medical personnel, moms, dads, high school students, college students, emergency personnel, and so on.  

Why this post? Austrian economics touches every facet of life and offers solutions for life action including public health care.  All a part of the theme of this blog...what we thought we knew.

Would enjoy your thoughts.