"A good man leaves an inheritance for his children's children."
Proverbs 13:22a
(A played out situation I wish I'd known 18 years ago)
Let's say you are a new parent. You and your spouse bring home your first bundle of joy or your first adopted child and you are elated, scared, excited, tired already, dreaming of what this person will become. Life begins to pick up as life does. Baby goes from diapers to no diapers. Baby goes from crawling to walking. Time is moving quickly all the while you are thinking long range. You are wise! You know that as baby becomes child, child becomes preteen, preteen becomes teen, teen becomes young adult that there will be ever increasing expenses to meet the needs and even wishes of this child.
But your wisdom goes beyond the first twenty-five years of raising this person. You want to set this kid up to succeed, really flourish in every way. And for this it takes money, lots of money. So, what to do? You don't have a ton of extra money to throw around or into fluctuating market ups and downs. So, you now think waaaaayyy outside the box. You call on grandma and grandpa to begin a $2000 life insurance policy on your child and pay this same premium on the child in a dividend paying whole life policy with a mutual life company for the next 22 years. The policy is initially set up with the grandparents as owners of the policy and to be passed on to the parents upon their death. At the outset the policy is set up to emphasize cash accumulation and not death benefit. After 22 years the "base premium" can be paid by dividends from the policy and surplus dividends buy additional paid up insurance moving forward. The net effect being no additional outlay needed and face amount and cash value only grow ever increasingly.
In this example we have just shown the creation of financial "perpetual motion" beginning with one generation and moving through the cycle of many more to come as the process is repeated over and over again. In this example, of which I would have employed for my kids, there are numerous advantages....
- It covers multiple generations - promotes long range planning
- Underwriting problems are minimized
- Tax free build up
- Precludes any need for Social Security
- Passive income is assured
- Estate planning is greatly simplified
- Wealth "mentality" passed from generation to generation.
Call me at 816-588-2328 to see how "What a Good Man Does" can begin a generational cycle of financial health for you and those you love.