Thursday, February 18, 2016

IBC in North Dakota

I am now living in one of North Dakota's great towns ~ Jamestown! This is a university town that also features many great options for outdoor living (in warmer months of course).  The town features a western fort "township" that is fun for kids and allows people of all ages to enjoy native buffalo including two white buffalo which are quite rare!

Living here has afforded new friendships and opportunity to engage in lives that still need help with finance and cash flow.  Typical to Jamestown are many good banks and a credit union that work hard and do good service by their clients and employees.  My short post today is not to negate the role of the local banker in my or any other town, but I do want to say that the role of Becoming Your Own Banker as taught by R. Nelson Nash could be incredibly transformative for people here I've come to know and care for so much.  If you live in North Dakota and especially the Jamestown area I would be thrilled to have a conversation with you about your cash flow issues (money problems) and see if perhaps your unique family banking system might be a solution to your problem(s).  For more on Becoming Your Own Banker see and view/listen to video and audio information.  This could change you families lives for now and for generations to come.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Marriages in Strain

Why? ~ Money

As an Authorized IBC Coach/Practitioner I see weekly in many people I talk to the continued strain on their marriage financially.  In fact, as an active local church pastor as well, I have grave concern over strain in marriages for the singular reason of money stress (not to mention other factors).  Perhaps you are a couple in your late 30's perhaps late 40's and the yearly strain on your family due to "paycheck to paycheck" living is just so wearisome.  What to do?

I would say that first you need to know that help and health can be had in your financial picture!

But how?

Let's think outside the box a bit.  Let's think a bit about how money flows in and out of your hands. Let's think about minimizing your interest to income senario.  Let's think about dollars you are setting aside in government sponsored retirment plans that you need now to live on and won't see until age 59.5.  Let's talk about how YOU control YOUR financial environment.  Let's talk about Becoming Your Own Banker by Nelson Nash!  You read this book (that I'll send to you for $20) and your financial future WILL start to look brighter and that strain you're now in, can be lessened ~ even eliminated by implementation of Becoming Your Own Banker.  

How can I know this?  Been doing this since November 2008 ~ that's how.  Call or email me for help or information. 

Monday, August 31, 2015

Earth to Mars!

Yep! It's been nearly a year since I did anything with this blog!  Ashamed really.  I've had huge life changes including moving to North Dakota for starters.  Yes, it's a state!  Our family loves it here (especially May through September).  

Other switches include child #2 going to college this Fall and going back into what some refer to as "full-time" pastoral ministry.  However! I am still maintaining that my IBC moorings and all my licensure for teaching and sharing this concept.  I continue to believe IBC is THE SAFEST financial harbor in this economy.  

If you are still curious about Infinite Banking I'd encourage you to read this article, IBC, What's it All About.  Great read.

OK, back on the blog and hoping to help you in the days ahead.  BTW - it's national life insurance month (September) and you might give this some thought as IBC blends the best of the banking function in our lives with life insurance.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Lot's of Really Smart People

In his book 'Becoming your Own Banker,' Nelson Nash speaks to the limitations of personal implementation of The Infinite Banking Concept.  One of those limitations comes prior to employing IBC.  This limitation and commonly known phenomenon is called "the arrival syndrome."  The "arrival syndrome" as Nash describes "probably limits the achievements of mankind more than anything else.  When this 'thing' infects us, we stop growing, stop learning.  We ROT!  We turn off or tune out the ability to receive inspiration - because we already know all there is to know."

As an IBC coach and teacher one of the sad realities of what I do is to meet all kinds of people that are a) pretty much set with "their thing" and unwilling to learn something new, b) really do know everything and nothing you say could possibly shed any new knowledge upon their already huge knowledge base or c) just cannot undo all the "rules of finance" they always known.  The safety of knowing what you know prohibits the possibility of doing anything new or fresh no matter how beneficial the new "thing" really is.

A wise man by the name of Gabe Kotter once said, "Change is good! Without change, there would be a lot of wet babies in the world."

The inability to learn something new because one has arrived at "all knowledge" or something new might upset the apple cart is part of the coin that leads to arrival syndrome.

Now I know that some people have a 'pot load of money' and to even think of putting a portion of that money in a financial vehicle like an IBC plan (using dividend-paying whole life insurance) seems counter intuitive to some when what's been working seems so much better.  I mean, don't fix what ain't broke - right?  But what we are doing with our money is a broken practice in so many ways and to not even be open to hear about another way to use our money is - well - part of the danger of the arrival syndrome.

Over coming being a "know it all" is a huge hurdle to unlocking the truth of IBC.  You should try it - even if you've arrived.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Gungor and My Finances

It's about being made new...

So, I am without question a follower of Jesus Christ and an Infinite Banking Concept Authorized Practitioner and Coach.  I do a lot of teaching about financial freedom (duh) and weave what Jesus taught about money into the time I spend teaching/coaching.

Well, recently I've been thinking about financial chaos.  The Hebrew word for chaos (tohu) pretty much describes a lot of American households.  Financial chaos abounds and financial wandering as well. In the midst of chaos is a voice of hope I've come to discover through IBC.  My financial life was in chaos I needed help.  Reflecting on when I stepped out and began to implement IBC in my life in November 2008 I can only sum up the experience through an old but well versed song sung by Gungor.  It's called "Beautiful Things."  I hope you'll give it a listen and consider what beautiful things God may want to do in your life and even financial life as you allow yourself to let God take control of it all.

Peace ~

Monday, July 28, 2014

Money Woes and Concerns Among Clergy

...Can There Be a Bright Side?

This summer has been eye opening for me in regards to where clergy in the denomination I serve stand in regards to personal finances and financial goals.  I recently attended a regional gathering of pastors in Oklahoma City this summer at an event specifically designed for the spiritual and professional renewal of pastors.  Unique to my experience is that I am one of these pastors that the event was designed for, but I attended as an exhibitor with Life Success and Legacy Inc.  

I REALLY enjoyed catching up with friends/fellow pastors I have served with through the years in various locations across this regional area.  It was fun to catch up and reminisce.  We also talked a lot with one another about money. We talked about how Life Success and Legacy helps people design their own plan for creating and controlling a financial pool that is 100% designed for them (an IBC plan).  This seemed to be a favorable things among those who would listen.  Many of the pastors we spoke with bought the book we teach Becoming Your Own Banker by Nelson Nash.  I was pleased at the response to this new book's receptivity to pastors.  I think my fellow pastors always enjoy learning new things!  

As I think about this event and the brothers and sisters who are known and unknown pastor colleagues of mine, I have a burden for them.  Recently I read in an official denominational newsletter that total pastoral compensation for those in our tribe is not very high.  Like only 14% of congregations provide $50K or more for their pastor in total compensation.  It was also reported that 42% reported annual compensation from congregations of $25K or less. Compounded in this mix is the unreal stress pastors feel - a dual stress - that they do not earn that much and because their congregation really isn't raising that much income.  This is a spiritual and economic concern for a pastor running parallel with one another.

We'll have a winter national gathering of clergy and laity coming up in February 2015 and preliminary poll concerns released recently suggest that again, money concerns rank high among what pastors are seeking solutions for at this gathering.

So, how do pastors find debt relief? improve upon retirement income? find someone who cares about how they fund their child's college? and feel good about leaving a financial legacy?  How does this happen?  What's an optional first step?  

1. Seek the Lord for your desired solution.
2. If led, visit
3. If you feel led - contact me at or 816-588-2328 and ask for Nelson's book to be shipped to you.
4. Read Nelson's book.
5. If desired ask for an opportunity to fill in your real time financial numbers into our IBC assessment system.
6. Complete assessment and carve out 1 hour for a webinar to review it with me.
7. Pray, seek, think about whether IBC  might be an option for you to eliminate debt, finance purchases in your life, plan for college and retirement in a way that is little taught in our current marketplace.

Money woes are real among clergy.  Slavery to lenders is real.  Let's fess up to this and take steps pastor to get healthy.  IBC can be HUGE in your life in this process.  Give it some prayer and thought and give IBC some of your IMAGINATION to see what financial freedom could look like.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Another Great Read a free download

If you visit the Life Success and Legacy website here and click on 'Free Downloads' you will be able to download a PDF copy of the Carlos Lara and Robert P. Murphy book pictured above.  


You'll begin an adventure in knowledge of Austrian economics which will in turn equip you to understand how we (America) got into the financial wreck we're currently in and what YOU can do to individually add to the solution.  In the mean time you'll learn how the Infinite Banking Concept is part of the personal and communal solution to shrinking gripping debt and financial paralysis.  

I encourage you to get a copy of How Privatized Banking Really Works!